25 October 2009

Leo Tolstoy story to be featured in 2009 Radio Show

Some of you may not have known but the radio show for 2009 was in jeopardy. It's mostly an issue of how many hands we have to put on the show. Initial surveys did not produce much interest although we were well ahead of schedule for planning. It appeared from the surveys that people enjoyed the show but were not interested in producing it.
Well, today we've just passed our first hurdle. Auditions went well. We have enough actors for the roles. Hopefully other commitments will not diminish the handful we have in mind. Since last year's show we have lost roughly 50% of prospective cast members.
Anyways this year's show will revisit the first year's show. Most will probably not recall that show since only 10 were in attendance. (I never enjoyed performing in the Black Building's Basement.)
The show was influenced by a Leo Tolstoy Christmas story- Where There Is Love, God Will Be There Too. There will be a bit of revision from the original interpretation, but it should be an entertaining retelling.
Tentative performance: 12 December 2009.
Hopefully we'll get over the other hurdles that lie ahead.

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